Chronic care management is closely related to remote patient monitoring and leverages digital technologies to enable healthcare providers to remotely deliver continuous, rigorous medical care to chronically ill patients. To successfully implement a CCM program and ideally engage patients for enhanced outcomes, a CCM software like Health Wealth Safe’s chronic care management system is a necessity. Manually managing the numerous complex implementation and operation activities of a CCM program is unviable and susceptible to human error. A high-end software solution can aid healthcare practices in seamlessly integrating CCM into their existing care delivery model and tapping into an extra stream of revenue. A dynamic software solution like HWS’ can automate, facilitate and speed up tedious processes from patient outreach and enrollment to patient engagement, coding and billing. HWS’ CCM software solution empowers care providers by automatically creating dedicated care plans for each patient as well as providing native access to their electronic health records. Using HWS’ software, healthcare providers can virtually connect to their patients anytime and alert them of any emergencies and/or updates in their treatment regime. On the patients’ side, they and their families can be assured of constant competent medical attention leaving no room for unprecedented complications. HWS’ software solution offers utmost transparency for patients and they can see every major and minor update in their treatment plan on a smart dashboard, helping them self-manage their condition to a great extent.
Chronic care management is a remote healthcare delivery model specifically designed to keep chronically ill patients under constant medical surveillance to better manage their condition. Patients suffering from two or more chronic illnesses that are expected to last at least 12 months or their entire lifetime are eligible to be enrolled in a CCM program. Since chronic conditions are critical and can aggravate with a slight lapse in treatment, it’s lifesaving to have a specialist constantly monitoring such patients, managing their treatment regimes and intervening before any complications arise. Frequent physical clinic visits are not at all feasible for chronically ill patients most of whom are old aged or disabled. CCM cuts the hassle for these patients as they can engage with their physicians remotely without even having to get up from their beds. CCM enrollees are provided with digital health tracking devices such as blood pressure monitors, blood sugar level trackers, heart rate monitors, weight monitors, etc., to self-record their vitals. Their healthcare data is then electronically transmitted to their providers, who evaluate it and accordingly recommend treatments. Physicians and care providers are always well-supplied with patient data enabling them to devise impeccable treatment plans tailored to the exact needs of every patient. These aspects significantly increase the chances of better outcomes for patients enrolled in a CCM program than those who receive physical care.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has recognized chronic care management as a part of primary care that can improve patients’ quality of life and enhance outcomes. The primary objective of chronic care management is increasing the chances of recovery for patients suffering from more than one chronic disease through continuous virtual medical care and attention. Chronic conditions can be best managed through rigorous follow-ups which is precisely what CCM helps physicians and care providers perform. Furthermore, CCM also aims to make patients more involved in their own treatment and promotes self-management which is known to boost progress. When patients self-record their healthcare data, they become aware of their condition and are motivated to make crucial lifestyle changes that can prove to be pivotal in their path towards recovery. Patients can experience increased mobility, better sleep and relaxation if they take active steps to keep themselves healthy. Additionally, treatment adherence also increases in patients enrolled in a CCM program as they are instantly alerted by their care team if any lapse is noticed in their following of the medication regime. Another important goal of CCM is to reduce the costs of managing chronic diseases. By reducing hospital and ER visits, CCM considerably lowers the overall expenditure in chronic disease management for the healthcare industry.
As mentioned earlier, chronic care management promotes self-management of diseases which results in increased chances of recovery. CCM is highly patient-centric and gives the charge of patients’ health in their own hands, ensuring they are actively involved in their own wellbeing and motivated to get back to a healthy life. By letting patients self-record their healthcare data, CCM also to an extent helps them understand exactly what condition they are suffering from and which aspects of their lifestyle can positively or negatively impact their progress.
A clinical information system is a computer-based data collection, storage, management and transmission system that collects patients’ healthcare data from various sources for clinical use. This data can be used by healthcare providers to diagnose diseases, create care plans for patients, track progress and manage illnesses. If you are a healthcare practice offering or looking to offer CCM services, contact Health Wealth Safe. HWS’ software system allows easy CIS integration helping your care team access patient data from a safe, reliable and fast solution.
CCM is highly beneficial for patients as it can improve clinical outcomes. It can also be beneficial for practices as they can add an extra stream of revenue to their income. If you are a healthcare practice wanting to make the most out of your CCM program, avail of HWS’ CCM software solution today. HWS has recently developed a breakthrough healthcare data collection and storage bank named ‘Health Wealth Safe Medical Data Bank.’ Now anyone can record, store and share their healthcare data from their mobile devices. This bank seamlessly integrates with health recording devices and solutions and natively stores all your recordings, which can be accessed anytime. Share your data with your doctors, family members and anyone you choose. You can also share it with other specialists for a second opinion helping save medical material waste. Most health records are deleted after 7-10 years; however your data will always remain safe for years in HWS’ health data bank.
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